Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Goals for 2008

It's so hard to believe it's 2008. My goals for the new year are:

1. To finish what I start.
2. To get as healthy as I can.
3. To run my business as a business and not a money making hobby.

I figure if I keep the list short and sweet, it'll be easier to follow through-which is my biggest shortfall. Like this blog. Even if it's just a sentence, I want to journal for me


Shelina said...

Happy New Year Eileen. I agree that having a short list of goals makes them more manageable and realistic. Good luck with yours.

Deborah Levy said...

Sounds like a goo plan Eileen! Happy New Year!

Na Na said...

Eileen, every journey starts with a single step. Every journal starts with a single sentence. Even a one word sentence, (go, no, yes, done, finished, etc.) gets you into the habit and lets your friends know you are there. We care about you!