Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's Done!!!

This is a picture of a friend's Harvest Spice quilt that I did on the LA for her. I finished my top, or flimsy as some have come to call them. We started this together about 2 years ago as a BOM. Obviously, mine was not a BOM. But I'm done!!!! And it's now on the to be quilted pile so I can move on to the next UFO.

It's been a while since I've written here, as one internet friend reminded me.

Mom is doing better, having PT come to her apt. We've decided to have her stay where she is for the time being; she has so many support services at her fingertips living in a larger city. If she moved here, she wouldn't have that. We are exploring having a cleaning service come in once or twice a month to do a thorough cleaning, which neither she nor I can do. Keri and I will go down on the alternate 2 week period to take care of things like laundry.

I'm still home on WC, but quilting my little heart out. It doesn't hurt like driving the bus or even my car at this point. I'm going to the doctor today for a followup, and they're recommending I have carpal tunnel surgery ASAP. I'm a little sick of this by now. Oh yeah, two weeks ago, the rheumatologist confirmed the fibromyalgia diagnosis. Hey-life goes on, right?

I am very blessed. I have my Mom still with me; she'll be 89 in March and still sharp. I have the most wonderful husband who supports me in everything, no matter how harebrained. Keri is graduating with honors in 2 weeks!! This has been a roller coaster ride, but I wouldn't have skipped any of it. Dave and Alicia, the precious twins, are great. We had Thanksgiving at their place with her family. I love holiday tables with lots of talking and laughter. We sure had that. Her Mom is going through some stuff right now, and we're pulling together like one big family. I'm an only child so having more family is like Christmas for me.

I've been reading a friend's blog about organizing. You can read it here: http://anitaestes.blogspot.com/ She has lots of tips for LA quilters and I think quilters in general. I try to read it every day for inspiration.

That's enough for now. I have to get ready to go to the doctor.
Have a great day!!!!


CONNIE W said...

The quilt looks beautiful! I'm going to check out the link you provided on organizing, I like organizing and am always happy to learn new tips.

Na Na said...

Girlfriend,that quilt is awesome! And thanks for mentioning my blog. I appreciate it.

Patti said...

The quilt is absolutely beautiful! I'm sure you are totally fed up by now with your health issues. Especially this last item. By the sound of things on the longarm list, however, you will still be able to quilt. This is a GOOD thing!