Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Here they are

This is our son David and his fiancee, Alicia. They got engaged on Christmas day and will be married June 15, 2007.
They didn't do too well at the audition yesterday. There was a written test and they were 1 of the 2 couples that didn't pass. I explained that it may not have been the number of questions they got wrong but the question types.
But the way, we call them the "Precious Twins".


Bonnie said...

They don't need that old show - they look like winners already!

Melzie said...

extremely cute couple :) sorry they didnt do well, they should try amazing race maybe! xoxo melzie

Sweet P said...

What an adorable couple! I'm looking forward to hearing how their plans come along for the wedding! Being a recent mother of the groom left me exhausted!

Cynthia said...

That's a lovely photo of the "Precious Twins".

Tracey said...

You've got the name right...precious twins they are!!

I'm so sorry to hear of your recent dr's visits. It can all get rather disheartening...but keep that chin up!!

ForestJane said...

They make a great couple... :)

Are you in the midst of making dowry quilts for her? How many was it that you were supposed to have in your hope chest before you got married? 7?