Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I just tried to leave a comment on Nancyquilts blog but it bounced back. Told me that it was because of an SPF she has. Here's what I wrote:

I just finished reading your archives and all I can say is WOW! What a prolific lady you are. I have to tell you-I noticed your birthday. Mine is Jan 8th, so we're kind of like soul sisters, right?I love all the quilts you've made and reading little bits of your life. You are very good at describing the everyday things. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through your blog.Thanks for the experience.

So, Nancy if you read this, please let me know how to correspond with you.
I'm still hoping to be accepted into the Stash Quilts blog ring, so maybe that will make it easier to write to more people. I try to leave comments on most of the blogs I read, it's kind of like answering someone when they speak to you, I guess.

Started physical therapy yesterday. My neck does feel better this morning, I have to admit. I've not been feeling too well this morning, so I'm running behind getting upstairs to another customer quilt. This one was made with denim and home dec fabric so it weighs a ton.
My new sewing table that I ordered from an online office furniture site has a dent in the top. So now I have to call them. I have a 5 year limited warranty on it so they shouldn't give me a hard time, I hope. I can't wait to actually have a sewing room, I've never had one before. Maybe once everything is in one place, I'll be able to enjoy sewing again.
Well, I have to get my butt in gear and go to "work". If anyone can tell me what the SPF stuff means, I'd sure appreciate it. Till later......


Finn said...

Hi Eileen, just had to "pop" over and see where you blog..*VBS* Thanks for such nice comments over at Pieces. Welcome to our little blogging community..*S*

I hope it works out that you can join Stash Quilts, but even if you don't, you are always welcome..*VBS* Lots of "back and forth" with the Stash Quilters and the Quilt Mavericks...and I'm sure you'd fit right in.

I just glanced at a couple of your posts, and will bookmark your blog so I can come back and read.
Not sure what was up with Blogger, Google and Yahoo on Sat. Sun, and Monday, but there were problems. I kept getting an error message as I tried to leave comments. It seems to happen. With Nancy, I don't know what those letters mean either. Sometimes my popup blocker has to be "released(hit Cntrl key, while clicking on comment. The pop up that it is getting weird about is the pop up box for comments vs. a full screen like yours and mine. Someone will probably know what those letters mean. Good to meet you and see you in Blogland, Hugs, Finn

Melanie said...

Thanks for all of your comments. Hope your PT goes well. You'll have to talk about your longarm quilter, I'm interested.

I'm glad I'm in quilt web ring, but your site and comments are fine with or without it. You've been meeting people and making friends. It's not always everything. I like your profile--you are INCREDIBLY versatile.

Take Care

Nancy said...

Your comment did make it on my blog. Must have been just a temporary glitch. I'm sorry I have no idea what an SPF so I can't help you there. In the future if you have problems commenting you can send email to

Thank you for your kind words! I've been enjoying your blog too. :-)

Linda C said...

Who knows what is up with the webrings lately? I haven't tried to hit "next" yet today though.

Shelina said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well, but glad that you are getting physical therapy for your neck. Quilting is hard on the neck and shoulders, so make sure that you take it easy. Looks like even if you aren't an official member of stashquilts, you are an unofficial member, from the looks of the comments you have here.

Anonymous said...

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